——— gathapraya: art, literature, and cultural festival ✩

G athapraya is a cultural festival presented by SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. The theme of this festival is acculturation. It was held on Saturday, 30 September 2017 at Lapangan Bali. The guest stars are Nidji, Hivi, Elephant Kind, Didi Ninik Thowok, Soul Ethnic Percussion, Vina Candrawati, Giri Harja, OSD ITB, and our school's extracurricular. The gate was open at 12pm and it was closed at around 4-5pm. The event ended at 10.45pm, with Nidji's performance as the final show. The ticket was only IDR55.000,- (presale), or IDR65.000,- if you bought it on the spot. We also got an internet data from our sponsor. The preparation was about a year, but the effective preparation was three until two months before the event.