——— our short escape plan (≧∇≦*)♡

So I'm going to tell you all about me and Keisha's plan for our next holiday. Me: "Hey!" Keisha: "Hey, how are you?" Me: "Fine thanks!" Keisha: "Oh yeah! I was wondering about what you are going to do for this holiday." Me: "I'm going to heaven." Keisha: "Well.. bye." Then we both laughed. Keisha: "But seriously though, where are you going to?" Me: "I'm going to Antarctica." Keisha: "You're kidding! I'm going there too!" Me: "No! Really?" Keisha: "Yeah! I booked the ticket yesterday." Me: "Why are you going there?" Keisha: "My family live in Antarctica. But the main reason is..." Me: "What? Tell me!" Keisha: "I miss my dogs." Then I laughed. Me: "I miss my penguins too." Keisha: "Aw. Do you want to go there with me? I can easily book another ticket." M...